子曰:“人而无信,不知其可也。大车无 ,小车无 ,其何以行之哉?” 孔子说:“一个人如果不讲信用,那么就没什么可肯定的了。譬如大车没有輗,小车没有軏,如何能行动呢?”
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
民联里的内斗也是造成他们在今次败选的主因。三党各怀鬼胎,尤其是回教党。PAS FOR ALL or PAS for All Lies Lah? 在雪州,雪州回教党行政议员哈山,一直主催禁酒。在吉打,宰猪场被铲平,房屋50%固打制等等。这些种种迹象显示如果将来回教党独揽大权时,会是个怎样的政府。华社将会生活在水深火热之中?权力进一步被剥削?这一次,非巫裔是向回教党投不信任票。
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday October 7, 2009
MACC probe on Tiong’s allegation against Tee Keat draws a blank
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has not found any evidence to indicate that MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat received RM10mil from Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd CEO Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing for party activities.
It is learnt that investigations by the commission have so far drawn a blank, and nothing has been uncovered to back Tiong’s allegations.
Tiong himself is being investigated by the police and the MACC for fraud, including overcharging and unsubstantiated claims in the construction of the controversial RM4.6bil Port Klang Free Zone project.
Sources familiar with the investigations said the commission interviewed more than seven witnesses, including Tiong and Ong, who has vehemently denied the allegations.
(Ong has since filed a RM500mil suit against Tiong for unfounded and defamatory remarks by Tiong following the Port Klang Free Zone disclosure. The High Court has set Nov 4 to hear the suit.)
Sources said MACC officers, besides questioning all those allegedly involved, also checked their bank accounts.
It is learnt the MACC was expected to submit its findings to its legal and prosecution department, and to the Attorney-General’s chambers for advice.
Tiong, the Bintulu MP and treasurer-general of the Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP), made the allegations after a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (PwC), which was commissioned by Port Klang Authority (PKA) to look at the PKFZ project, was released.
The report by the Special Task Force formed by the Transport Ministry on June 10 alleged that Kuala Dimensi, the main developer appointed as the sole turnkey contractor for the project, was involved in possible fraud, including overcharging and unsubstantiated claims which could run up to RM1.6bil.
PwC estimated that based on current projections of revenue and costs, including interest costs, the project could eventually cost RM12.45bil.
Ong, in his statement of claim, demanded that Tiong fully withdraw his defamatory remarks and publish an apology in major Malaysian newspapers of all languages.
The purpose of such remarks, he said, were to tarnish his name.
He said they were published with the element of mala fide by Tiong to obstruct fair and just investigations into the misuse of funds in the PKFZ issue and the role played by Tiong’s company in the controversy.
本人无党无派,对最近华社政坛风波略有些意见。马华双10特大进入倒数一天,双十之后,“双死”或“一生一死”都将对华社政坛起着一定的影响。308马来西亚政治大海啸后,马华失去大片江山,只在40个国会议席赢得 15个国会议席。马华党员士气低落。黄家定及陈广才纷纷宣布不蝉联党职。翁蔡也因此当选马华总会长及署理总会长。马华在全国大选大败后,一直说要改革。翁诗杰更发表他所谓的“三拼”即“拼民生”,“拼经济”和“拼种族和谐”。但是,本人发现有“一拼”忘了把它放进去,拼“党争"意指拼内乱,把马华拼到荷兰去了。
MACC probe on Tiong’s allegation against Tee Keat draws a blank
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has not found any evidence to indicate that MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat received RM10mil from Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd CEO Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing for party activities.
It is learnt that investigations by the commission have so far drawn a blank, and nothing has been uncovered to back Tiong’s allegations.
Tiong himself is being investigated by the police and the MACC for fraud, including overcharging and unsubstantiated claims in the construction of the controversial RM4.6bil Port Klang Free Zone project.
Sources familiar with the investigations said the commission interviewed more than seven witnesses, including Tiong and Ong, who has vehemently denied the allegations.
(Ong has since filed a RM500mil suit against Tiong for unfounded and defamatory remarks by Tiong following the Port Klang Free Zone disclosure. The High Court has set Nov 4 to hear the suit.)
Sources said MACC officers, besides questioning all those allegedly involved, also checked their bank accounts.
It is learnt the MACC was expected to submit its findings to its legal and prosecution department, and to the Attorney-General’s chambers for advice.
Tiong, the Bintulu MP and treasurer-general of the Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP), made the allegations after a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (PwC), which was commissioned by Port Klang Authority (PKA) to look at the PKFZ project, was released.
The report by the Special Task Force formed by the Transport Ministry on June 10 alleged that Kuala Dimensi, the main developer appointed as the sole turnkey contractor for the project, was involved in possible fraud, including overcharging and unsubstantiated claims which could run up to RM1.6bil.
PwC estimated that based on current projections of revenue and costs, including interest costs, the project could eventually cost RM12.45bil.
Ong, in his statement of claim, demanded that Tiong fully withdraw his defamatory remarks and publish an apology in major Malaysian newspapers of all languages.
The purpose of such remarks, he said, were to tarnish his name.
He said they were published with the element of mala fide by Tiong to obstruct fair and just investigations into the misuse of funds in the PKFZ issue and the role played by Tiong’s company in the controversy.
本人无党无派,对最近华社政坛风波略有些意见。马华双10特大进入倒数一天,双十之后,“双死”或“一生一死”都将对华社政坛起着一定的影响。308马来西亚政治大海啸后,马华失去大片江山,只在40个国会议席赢得 15个国会议席。马华党员士气低落。黄家定及陈广才纷纷宣布不蝉联党职。翁蔡也因此当选马华总会长及署理总会长。马华在全国大选大败后,一直说要改革。翁诗杰更发表他所谓的“三拼”即“拼民生”,“拼经济”和“拼种族和谐”。但是,本人发现有“一拼”忘了把它放进去,拼“党争"意指拼内乱,把马华拼到荷兰去了。
Sunday, October 4, 2009
继巫统最高理事阿都阿兹后,民政党全国主席许子根(左图)今日也自揭,本身曾在昨日的补选提名日中,遭回教党支持者围堵,以致他必须把车停在一旁,除下部长车牌,以免遭到进一步的攻击。也是首相署部长的许子根今午在峇眼槟榔出席一项部门活动后,在记者会上受询及提名日的肢体冲突时,自揭本身亦曾一度受困。指围堵者带攻击性令他担心他说,当时大概是早上7点半,他正由司机载送前往提名中心,不料却在途中“误陷敌阵”。“一群支持者朝我们大喊大叫,发出狂嘘,又朝我们做‘这样那样’。我们惟有把车驾到附近的国油油站,以尝试冷却现场情绪。”为了避免再生事端,许子根表示,他们把车停下来后,还除下了部长的车牌。“我当时确实有点担心,那群人看起来有点攻击性。”自嘲之余,讽刺在野党无礼他吐了一口气后,笑说:“感谢上天,后来下了一场雨,人群才因此解散。”据他指出,整起事件大概15分钟,恰恰是在昨早开始下豪雨前的10分钟前发生。许子根声称,这并非他首次遭遇类似事故,第一次经验应该是在去年峇东埔国会议席补选的提名日。 “当时我身在首相纳吉(时为副首相)的车内。一群人使用旗帜猛烈敲打我们的车子,还敲得‘梆、梆 ’响。”在遭遇两次围堵事故后,他自嘲说,看来他现已逐渐习惯这种“无礼”的行为。
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